Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Whether your student is heading back to the classroom or still working from the kitchen table, make sure they start the day off right. Read about our five tips to an easy, nutritious breakfast.

Although back to school is going to look a little different this year for some, one thing that will remain the same is the struggle to get your kiddos out the door (or to your new “kitchen classroom”) with a nourished belly.

No matter where or when breakfast is taking place this year, we hope these 5 tips make it easy to put an end to rumbling tummies and set the stage for academic success.

Tip #1: Hooray for Whole Grains

Unlike their refined siblings, whole grains provide lasting energy due to their protein and fiber content making them a great choice for breakfast. Try whole grain versions of your kids’ favorites like pancakes and French toast topped with seasonal fruit, or for a breakfast with no morning prep, try one of our crowd pleasing overnight oat recipes.

When shopping for whole grain products, look for the 100% Whole Grain Stamp, or be sure the first word in the ingredient list is “whole” as is “whole wheat flour” or “whole oats.” Still unsure? Check out the Whole Grain Council for more information.

Tip #2: Fruits and Veggies Matter

We all know kids need fruits and vegetables, but how do we get them to actually enjoy eating them? Smoothies are a quick and easy breakfast that can be made in minutes and also travel well. For a smoothie that is sure to please, opt for fresh or frozen fruits and veggies (think baby spinach, avocado, cucumber), and limit added sugars like honey, sweetened yogurt, or flavored milk. To get your kids excited about trying new fruits and veggies, have them help with the process. Looking for some ideas? See how we turned a simple strawberry, peach smoothie recipe into a picture perfect rainbow smoothie bowl.

Tip #3: Do Add Dairy

As it turns out, milk actually does the body good. Old 90s commercials aside, milk should still be the drink of choice for toddlers, kids and teens. Milk provides much needed calcium (calcium needs increase as kids age) and nutrients like vitamin D and potassium. One 8 fluid ounce glass of milk also provides 8 grams of protein to support growth, development, and satiety. Don’t forget, yogurt, kiefer and cheese also count as a serving of dairy. If cows’ milk doesn’t sit well, opt for an unsweetened, fortified (calcium + vitamin D) plant based milk such as soy milk.

Tip #4: The Power of Protein

Let’s face it, kids need protein. Proteins are not only the building blocks for rapidly growing muscles, but protein helps keep kids feel fuller, longer – hence, less asking for snacks while tackling math problems. Instead of frozen breakfast meats, opt for scrambled or hard boiled eggs, a turkey sandwich, or a try a build your own greek yogurt parfait bar where you supply the choices and your kids make the choices.

Tip #5: Hyped on Hydration

Keeping your crew properly hydrated is just as important as keeping them full – humans are nearly 50% water after all. Be sure to offer your kids a glass of water with every meal, especially breakfast, and encourage drinking throughout the day. To spice things up let them choose some water bottle additions such as orange slices, berries, or even a cinnamon stick.