This school year we are facing a school environment different than any before. Whether your kids are heading back to the classroom or doing virtual learning, we have some great tips for back to school in our blog.

Parents, students and educators around the nation are gearing up for the 2020-2021 school year, a year that will look vastly different from the traditional academic setting we’re used to.

Some parents and districts are headed back into the classroom, implementing social distancing rules and preparing to pivot to a virtual classroom on a dime. Others are planning for a virtual year full of Zoom meetings and home classrooms. Whether you’re opting for a virtual year, in-person setting, or a hybrid program of both, we have put together a few tips for navigating the upcoming year successfully.

Nourish Young Minds

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day; it starts your engine and refuels your body. But it can be challenging to ensure a well-balanced breakfast is on the table every single morning. Get your children involved in breakfast meal-prep by making Mozzarella Veggie Frittatas or make Overnight Oats for a delicious breakfast with little morning prep required.

Set Up a Designated Space

While older students might be successful at a desk in their bedroom, children who tend to get distracted will likely be better off at a desk outside their bedroom. Younger, elementary-aged children are more likely to want to be in the action and will want to be near you throughout the day.

Set up a separate workstation on the dining room table or invest in a desk or writing table that is dedicated for school. If it’s feasible, consider sharing a corner of your office with your kiddo during the day. Hey – consider them your coworker for a bit!

A space that is separate from the bedroom will help encourage a shift in mindset geared toward school, and will allow you to field questions throughout the day.

Schedule Breaks

Just like adults, students need to reenergize their brains with the help of a little break. In between Zoom meetings, assignments, and homework it’s a good idea to take a small walk, enjoy a little fresh air outside, and step away from the computer.

Pack a Lunch

While your children might be schooling at home, packing a lunch is an easy way to ensure your kids have a nutritious, wholesome meal that’s easily accessible. Plus, it gives your children the opportunity to grab their lunch themselves while you finish up a meeting or project.

Have older children at home? Have them meal prep with you the night before!

Reduce Distractions

Life is full of distractions – the television, a toy, the refrigerator, siblings – it’s unavoidable. But set your children up for success and help limit the number of distractions available throughout their “school-day.” Apps on cell phones and tablets are way too easy to open while in the middle of school. Set screentime limits for social media and playing online.

Remember – every child is different and they might require different schedules, set-ups, and support to be their most successful. Flexibility and adaptation are key.