Socially Distanced Vacations Ideas for Spring Break 2021

Covid may have robbed us of most of 2020 but it doesn’t have to take our 2021 too. If you need a vacation, I know we are, then we have some fun ideas for you and your family. Here is a list of socially distanced vacation ideas for your spring break!

Go RVing

RV sales have been going up in the past year. RVing is a great way to get out and travel while remaining in your family bubble. Escape the busy day-to-day of your life and seek out some RV spots. See the link below to find out what RV parks are open in your state!

Camping & COVID-19: What Campgrounds Are Open? [February 2021]

Go Camping

If an RV is not possible for you, fret not, you can still get out of the house safely. Grab your tent and sleeping bag and head outside. You can camp in your backyard or travel to a unique location. Camping is perfect for relaxation. Get some peace, quiet, and fresh air.

Go Boating

If you’d prefer to be on the water, take out a boat. If you don’t have one of your own, many rental places are reopening. Get out on the water and spend a day soaking up the sun. Pack yourself some delicious snacks and make a day fit!

Take a Road Trip

Do you need to travel but are worried about traveling? There is something therapeutic about getting on the road and driving through the country. Pack up the family and play some highway games. You’ll get a break from your daily life and get to see some interesting new places!

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.

Preparing Your Conference Center in 2021

2020 was a year no one could predict; to ensure that your 2021 goes a bit smoother, we’ve taken some tips from Robert A. Gilbert for planning to reopen your conference center. Whether you have your plan for 2021 in place or are just starting to pull it together, these are some of the things you should keep in mind.

Goal planning and incentives

Compensation and bonus plans

Target-setting in an uncertain future

Appropriate staffing levels

Prioritizing resources

Optimally leveraging technology


As the team at Flik prepares to open our doors to the public again, we are prepping and preparing a 2021-year plan. We hope to open soon and can’t wait to see you again!

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.


For February, we have compiled a list of must-read books and novels. This month’s focus is on books celebrating African American history. We have books for all ages and every taste.


“The Color Purple” by Alice Walker

Originally published in 1982 “The Color Purple” has become one of the most-loved classic historical fiction novels and has even won the Pulitzer Prize. The story highlights the traumas of domestic and sexual abuse and toxic masculinity, by following two sisters, black women in early 20th-century rural Georgia, separated at an early age.


“A Promised Land” by Barack Obama

Barack Obama highlights the pivotal moments he had in the Oval Office as the country’s first African American president. He takes the reader on an emotional journey of the ups, the downs, and his account of events and decisions.

“Through My Eyes,” by Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges was just a child when she became a hero to the African American community. Read her uncensored account of integrating into an all-white public school. A monumental taken on by one brave little girl, that changed the nation.


“The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas

This young adult novel follows the story of a teenage girl who witnesses the fatal shooting of her best friend. What follows are protests, media frenzy, and the heartbreaking tolls it has on her and her community. It emphasizes the importance of speaking up about inequality, and start conversations on racism.

“Stella by Starlight” by Sharon M. Draper

This novel takes place during the depression era and follows a little girl. She must be increasingly brave when the Ku Klux Klan returns to her town. This gripping book is suggested for middle school readers but is a compelling read at any age.


“I Am Enough,” by Grace Byers

This beautiful book is wonderful for any child, but especially for African American girls. It teaches young readers that they are perfect just the way they are.

“Brown Boy Joy,” by Thomishia Booker, Jessica Gibson, and Vicky Amrullah

A beautiful and encouraging book to all little boys of color. With vibrant and beautiful illustrations it celebrates the joy of young boys and gives positive affirmation on every page.

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.

Foods For The Flu

Flu season is here, and if you are trying to keep it away or trying to get rid of it, we have some helpful diet tips. These are proven to aid your body in fighting off the illness in addition to medical treatment.


Oranges are high in vitamin C and can give your immune system a boost. If you already have flu-like symptoms, they may be able to help you feel better faster.


Nothing beats chicken soup when you’re feeling ill. But did you know it is can aid your immune system? Chicken soup enhances the function of cilia, a hair-like structure in the nose that protects against viruses and bacteria.


If you’re having issues with your stomach, do you reach for the Ginger Ale? You should, ginger is a natural remedy for nausea as well as inflammation.


Have you ever eaten pumpkin seeds when you were sick? They are high in zinc which is needed to boost the function of your white blood cells. White blood cells fight off pathogens such as the flu, so save your pumpkin seeds for flu season!


If you lack the appetite for solid foods, try to get nutrients into your body through vegetable juice. It’s full of antioxidants that will help your body recover.

With Covid-19 still around in 2021, this flu season can seem even scarier than usual. Please remember to stay safe and take care of yourself. We hope these tips are helpful.

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.

Ideas for a Valentines Night In 

With the Coronavirus still shutting things down and the usual rush that comes with Valentine’s day, we say stay in this year! We’re all used to being stuck at home by now but that doesn’t mean you have to feel trapped. We’ve got some fun at-home date ideas for you and your loved one.

Set Up a Fort and Watch Movies

When we were young, one of the best parts of a sleepover was setting up a pillow fort. It’s time to bring these back. Deck out your fort with whatever you need to make it super cozy, supply it with a snack, and a way to watch some rom coms. You’ve built your theater, and no one will be there to shush you if you get too loud!

Game Night

You can do this with friends or get the whole family involved in a fun game night! Break out the board games and the snacks, or turn on those video games you’ve been dying to play. Or play a game of “Would You Rather” with your date. It’s a fun way to get to know more about them!

Wine and Paint

You don’t have to go to an expensive workshop for a night of drinking wine and painting. Get some materials and your favorite bottle of wine. Then set up a video tutorial and try to follow along. You don’t have to be a painting master to enjoy this date. It’s fun and you can be as creative as you want!

Bubble Bath for Two

With the world, how it is, we could all use some time to unwind. Draw up a bubble bath with your favorite scent and climb in together. Relax, talk, and enjoy each other’s company.

Have a safe and Happy Valentine’s Day from the team at FLIK.

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.

How to Host a Successful Virtual Event

2020 skyrocketed the number of virtual events being held. Don’t let your virtual event get lost in the shuffle. We have some tips for hosting a successful virtual event.

Have a Clear Objective

When you host an event either in-person or virtual, the objective should be clear. This will inform guests of what the event is for and strike up excitement. A vague or seemingly unimportant event is easy to gloss over in our busy lives.

Set Up Reminders

Events take time to plan, and although your guests may have RVSP, you must send some sort-of reminder about the event. Especially if more than a week has passed since the initial invitation. This can be done in several ways as emails or social posts.

Keep Attendees Engaged

While live events are built on attendee engagement, it may seem that virtual ones are not. However, this is not the case. Q&As are still very valuable in the virtual setting and give everyone a chance to speak. With so many virtual tools, there are many other ways to provoke engagement. For instance, you can hold a live poll that people can vote on while in the meeting.

Market Your Event

A sure way to increase attendance and excitement is by successfully marketing your event. Marketing will not only inform guests of the event but also create a buzz of excitement. People will be more enticed by a well-marketed event and more likely to join.

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.

IACC Pathways to Reopening

We are hopeful that our doors will be open again in 2021. In preparation for reopening, we are using the “IACC Pathways to Reopening Venues” as our guideline for keeping our guests safe.

We had to close our doors in 2020 to protect our loyal guests. In 2021 our goal is to reopen and maintain the safety standards we have put in place to continue keeping our guests healthy and happy. To ensure this we are closely following the IACC Pathways to Reopening guide. Here are some of the steps we are taking to ensure you can return safely.

Social Distancing Practices

Conferences are what we do. We want to ensure people can still meet safely. We are organizing our meeting spaces to allow for social distancing. Chairs will be more spaced out and markers on the floor will remind guests to maintain a 6-foot distance when moving.

Sanitization Practices

We also have custodial services on hand to ensure the spaces are cleaned and sanitized between each group use. High touch areas such as handrails and doorknobs will also be cleaned regularly. Hand sanitizing stations have gone up and will be available for guest use.

Food Service Protocols

We take great pride in our food. To continue serving you the best cuisine we have put regulations in place to maintain the cleanliness of our kitchen and serving areas. Booths and tables will be spaced out to maintain a safe distance. Surfaces will be sanitized between every guest. Lines for convenience options will be marked to maintain 6-foot distances between guests.

Virtual Meetings

To reduce the number of people in a meeting room at a given time we are equipped to do virtual meetings. This way any one uncomfortable with meeting in person has the option to attend virtually.

With these practices in place we hope to welcome you back soon!

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.

Returning to work after the holidays

Whether you took a long break or just the holidays off, returning to work can be a struggle. We have some tips for making sure your transition from vacation to work is smooth sailing.

Get an Early Start

Early to bed, early to rise. It can be tempting to drag out your last day of vacation if you can. However, we recommend calling it early and set your alarm. Get up at a decent time to make sure you are ready, you have everything, and you’ve given yourself enough time to get there.

Catch Up

Get caught up with your coworkers. This is a great way to get the most accurate up to date information that you have missed out on. We also recommend checking your email. But don’t get overwhelmed by it. Respond to the highest priority emails first and then return to the lesser pressing emails later.

Take Your Time

Work can pile up while your away, and the feeling of needing to power through it all is tempting. However, the best way to remain productive long term is to take each task one at a time. It allows you to give each project your undivided attention and complete it with confidence.

Take a Break

I know you just got back from a long break. But it’s still important to get up from your desk, walk around, get a snack, or just grab a cup of coffee.

You can still be productive after a vacation. With our tips, you’ll be shaking off the workday blues and ready to tackle your day!

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.


The first week of the new year is almost over. Have you decided on your resolution? If not, don’t fret. We have some original ideas for you! Please read our blog to decide.

How many years have you had that same resolution to lose weight? Your resolution doesn’t have to feel like a chore. We have some fresh ideas for your resolution this year.

Get Creative

Do you have a creative activity that you haven’t gotten to do in a while, or do you want to try something new? Take some time this year to get creative! Break out those paints you haven’t touched in a while. Sit down and write those poems you’ve got in your head. Find a new recipe and give it a try! The best thing about creativity is there’s no rules. It’s a chance for you to create what you want to create!

Get in Touch

With the restrictions that 2020 brought, we couldn’t see all the people we love. This year take the opportunity to reach out and reconnect safely. It can be as simple as texting your friend that you haven’t talked to in a while. Or setting up a weekly family Zoom call. Not only will this resolution make you feel good it’ll make the ones you love feel good!

Get Active

This resolution goes hand in hand with losing weight, but it doesn’t mean you have to spend countless hours at the gym. You can get active in whatever way interests you. Do you enjoy nature? Find some neat hiking spots. Are sports more your thing? Get a buddy involved and go play some basketball. There is no wrong way to get active, the best way is by doing something you enjoy that gets you moving!

Get to Know Yourself Again

The day to day can get very hectic. And we can get swept up in the chaos. I think everyone can agree that we all need some “me time”. Find time to treat yourself. Take a relaxing bath with your phone on silence. Journal your thoughts and feelings for the day. Look into therapy or talk to someone you trust. Do something that allows you to reconnect with yourself.

Whatever your resolution is this year, we hope you succeed. Here’s to a bright new year and a new you!

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.