Drinking plenty of water can have multiple health benefits ranging from aiding in weight loss to improving brain function. But it can be challenging to remember to get enough water in our busy lives. That’s why we have compiled a list of simple tricks to fit more water into your day!


Grab some fruits and veggies high in water content to add in a bit of extra water. Cucumbers, watermelon, and grapefruits are all high in water content!


During our workdays, we spend most of the day behind a desk, but we still need to take some breaks. Start grabbing a glass of water after every potty break. You’re already up, so why not make one more stop?


We’ve all had an overly sugary beverage, next time you are faced with too-sweet tea, water it down. Either add ice or straight water. You will still get the sweetness but sneak in some extra water!


There is something very satisfying about being able to visualize and reach your goals. You can get this effect two ways, by watching your water level go further and further down as you drink. Or by entering your progress in an app.


When you are preparing to sit down and enjoy a meal, take the opportunity to drink a glass of water. It will not only increase your water intake, but this is also a method people have used for losing weight.


Some people just don’t enjoy drinking water. That’s okay. If you need something added to your water to make it go down easier, we recommend some freshly sliced citrus. It adds a hint of flavor without adding too much sugar.


Momma’s (and mother-figures) around the globe have been through a lot this year.

The last year has paid a huge toll on women. A report from the Center for American Progress found that “four times as many women as men dropped out of the labor force in September, roughly 865,000 women compared with 216,000 men. This validates all the predictions that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and the accompanying child-care and school crises—would be severe.” Women took on the bulk of the meal prepping, cooking, cleaning, child-rearing, and lesson planning, all while balancing toddlers on their knees and laptops on their desks.

This Mother’s Day (5/9) give Mom a gift to show her she’s truly appreciated. Check out some of our curated gift suggestions to celebrate Mom:

Momma Needs a Drink: Mom has been through a lot this year and she could really use a cocktail! Shop our crafted cocktail kits that include:

    The Grapefruit Basil Mule: Perfect for the Mom who needs something bright & refreshing in her life, this fresh & fruity cocktail mixer screams “Summer is coming!”
    The Margarita: If Mom is missing her toes in the sand, send her on a mini mental vacation with an Margarita-at-Home kit. The only thing missing is the lull of crashing ocean waves.
    The Classic Moscow Mule: For the classic Mom, a simple Moscow Mule cocktail kit will allow her to sip, relax, and enjoy.

Momma Needs Netflix & Chill: Mom is tired of watching Frozen on repeat, let her kick up her feet, and finally binge-watch Brigerton like she’s been wanting to. To complete her in-home movie experience shop our curated movie night boxes:

    Flicks By FLIK: For the ultimate movie night, shop this curated box complete with popcorn kernels, white cheddar popcorn seasoning, caramel popcorn seasoning, chocolate covered blueberries, and salted cashews.
    Popped: Give Mom three of our signature popcorn species: white cheddar popcorn seasoning, caramel popcorn seasoning, and jalapeno popcorn seasoning.

Momma Needs a Girls Night: Mom has been missing her friends, but now that she’s vaccinated she can safely see her gal pals for the first time in a while! Gift her the ultimate hostess box with:

    The Ultimate Charcuterie Board: This curated box includes a slate + wood board, the ultimate FLIK kitchen towel, dried apricots, Julie’s Pantry balsamic sweet onion jam, Columbus chorizo dry aged salami, signature spiced nut mix, Cucina & Amore artichoke bruschetta, and Hunter’s Reserve smoked gouda.

Momma Needs a to Raid the Pantry: If Mom is a kitchen-lover, why not stock her kitchen with all our favorites! Shop from:

    Snack Attack: Our Snack Attack Box has a little bit of everything including three of our signature items: Julie’s Kitchen Sink Granola, FLIK potato chips, & spiced nut mix.
    It’s Getting Hot in Here: A tasting of our four most popular hot sauces, give Mom a little kick with cayenne garlic hot sauce, chipotle adobo hot sauce, XXX habanero hot sauce, and Carolina reaper hot sauce.
    Pantry Essentials: Perfect for the Sauce Boss in your life, these pantry staples are a must-have for anyone who spends time in the kitchen including Signature Everything Good seasoning, buffalo wing seasoning, chipotle adobo hot sauce.

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.


According to the leading food allergy resource organization, FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), roughly 32 million Americans, and 1 in every 13 children, are living with a potentially life-threatening food allergy. It is very likely you or someone you know is managing a food allergy, and we hope this article sheds some light on how you can safely prepare food for someone managing an allergy.

Food Allergies 101

So, what exactly is a food allergy? A food allergy occurs when someone’s immune system mistakes a harmless protein in a food (allergen) as a threat and attacks it. The immune response can vary from mild to severe, and it is totally unpredictable what the reaction will be, especially with increased exposure to the food. Allergies can develop in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, and sometimes children can outgrow their food allergies. Although people can be allergic to any food, the FDA has coined the “top 8” to account for about 90% of all allergies. The “top 8” include peanuts, tree nuts, finfish, crustacean shellfish, eggs, milk, wheat, and soy. Other common allergies include, but are not limited to legumes, seeds, stone fruit, corn, and sesame which is being considered as the 9th major allergen.

Managing a Food Allergy

The unknowns associated with a new diagnosis can be scary, but learning how to manage food allergies is key to living a healthy, happy, and safe life. It is important to understand that any amount of a particular food can cause a reaction; there is no “safe” amount of food that someone with an allergy can ingest. Therefore, the only way to truly manage a food allergy is to avoid the allergen completely. Reading food labels, avoiding cross-contamination (using clean equipment, washing your hands), and properly cleaning and sanitizing surfaces are three steps to ensuring individuals with food allergies can eat safely.

Reading Food Labels

The FDA requires food companies to include top 8 allergens on all food labels. They can be listed in a “contains” statement after the ingredients list, “contains: milk, wheat and soy”, or, the allergen may be listed alongside ingredients “flour (wheat), salt, whey (milk)”. This labeling law makes it easier for people with a top 8 allergy to identify their allergen easily. However, keep in mind, if someone has an allergy outside of the top 8, garlic, for example, garlic does not have to be listed on the ingredient list if it is less than 2% of the total product weight. Therefore, people with these allergies tend to avoid foods with “spices” or “flavorings” in the ingredient list.

What About Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Although it is not considered a top 8 allergen, many people, including those with Celiac Disease, avoid gluten, and therefore treat it the same way as any other food allergy. It is important to note that “gluten” will not be listed in a “contains” statement, or in an ingredient list, so becoming familiar with what ingredients contain gluten is key. When looking for a safe option for a gluten free guest, look for products labeled “gluten free”, or serve whole foods that naturally do not contain gluten, like meat, fruits, vegetables, milk, and rice.

Preparing a Safe Snack for Others

Although you may not have anyone in your home managing a food allergy, it is likely you will host a play date, dinner party, or be asked to prepare a snack for someone who does. Always be sure to ask about allergies and have prepackaged snacks on hand as a safe option. Prepackaged snacks avoid cross contact, and often make food allergic individuals feel safer. Enjoy Life, Home Free, free2be, and Partake Foods all make allergy friendly individually packed snacks that are great for kids and adults alike. Depending on the allergy, fruits and vegetables tend to be safe options. Stock up on whole fruit, applesauce, carrot sticks, and bell peppers as safe snacks. When in doubt, always save the package or packages to share with guests so they can check the ingredients themselves.

Although navigating food allergies may seem daunting, asking questions, reading food labels, and avoiding cross contact are simple ways to safely prepare meals and snacks for anyone with a food allergy.

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.


April is Earth Month and April 28th is Stop Food Waste Day. If you’ve been wanting to up your game when it comes to the food your household wastes, read on: FLIK is here to share some tips for keeping your food waste in check, so that you’re not like the average American family, spending $1,866 on food annually, that ends up in the trash – that’s like buying groceries, and not bringing them home!

Map Out Your Meals

Plan out your meals and snacks for the week. Take leftovers and restaurant meals into consideration; don’t shop for seven dinners, if one night a week you get take-out, and another night you enjoy leftovers of said take-out. Include dishes that are both easy to freeze and re-heat, like soup, stew, casseroles, meatballs, meatloaf, and burger patties; the plan here: cook once, enjoy twice (or more!).

Stick to the List

Once your meals are planned for the week, create your shopping list. Now that you have a list, stick to it! Buy what you need, and avoid letting unnecessary extras end up in your cart – those items often end up in the trash. And be sure to read the fine print when it comes to sale pricing; getting the best deal is wasted if that extra food just ends up in the trash.

Cook Root-to-Stem

Get the most utilization out of every ingredient. After enjoying your kale salad, turn the stems into Kale Stem Pesto. Don’t waste the edible stalks of broccoli or cauliflower, make this delicious Stem Slaw. Freeze peels and scraps; when you have enough, make broth. And check out our sustainable FLIK to Stem cooking videos for more utilization inspiration.

Become Friends with Your Freezer

Before you toss your leftovers in the trash, or before you realize something is about to spoil before you can eat it, ask yourself: “Can I freeze this?” This answer is most likely “Yes!” Stock your kitchen with freezer-safe bags and containers to freeze food with confidence. Then, incorporate those frozen items in next week’s or month’s meal planning.

Consider Composting

For the remaining inevitable food waste (banana peels, eggshells, tomato cores, pineapple tops, etc.), consider composting over trash, as anything in a landfill, even food, leads to greenhouse gas emissions. Start your own compost or research to find community composting opportunities where you live.

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.


Camping is a great Spring and Sumer activity for the whole family. But while adults love to unwind and enjoy the quiet of nature, kids can easily get bored. Kids love creating and eating s’mores, but how do you entertain them during the day?

Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are fun for any age. Give your kiddos a list of neat things to look for around the campsite. When they complete the scavenger hunt, have a cool camping surprise waiting for them!

Dig Sites

Create some fun mounds and valleys in the dirt for their trucks or animals! Camping is great because it’s a chance to get your hands dirty! Just be sure to have a method for handwashing with you!

Simple Chores

Kids love to help, and we say take advantage while you can! Let your little ones help gather some kindling for the fire. It’ll keep them entertained and you will get some extra helping hands!

Camping Books

There are some great camping books out there that kids will love to read while they have some quiet time. Books that are relatable to what they are doing are amazing!

Glow Stick Games

When the sun goes down, the fun doesn’t have to stop. Get some glow sticks and create some fun games like glow stick ring toss!

Camp Stories and Songs

Gathering around the fire is such a great time to bond. Take the opportunity to tell your kids some fun stories or make up some silly songs.

We hope you get an opportunity to get out to the woods this spring or summer. Have a safe and fun-filled trip!

March Book LIST

Spring has sprung, and we have compiled a list of books perfect for this Spring. Get some sunshine and fresh air while enjoying a new book!

YA Fiction

“The Girls Are All So Nice Here” by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

This page-turner follows a toxic friendship group at a 10-year college reunion. Ambrosia Wellington is invited to her 10-year reunion with a note that says “We need to talk about what we did that night.”

“Honey Girl,” by Morgan Rogers

Grace Porter decides to celebrate her Ph.D. in Astronomy with a trip to Las Vegas. While there, she shocks even herself by drunkenly marrying a woman she meets. Follow her journey and see what she discovers about herself and her life!


“Getting Back Up” by Harma Hartouni

Hartouni, tells his shocking life story of surviving a fatal mountainside car accident, overcoming abuse and sexual assault, and living in Los Angeles, against his traditional Iranian family’s wishes, as a proud gay man and real estate entrepreneur.

Children’s Books

“My Little Brave Girl” Hilary Duff, Kelsey Garrity-Riley (Illustrator)

Hilary Duff’s picture book is full of beautiful illustrations and words of encouragement for young girls everywhere.

“Simon B. Rhymin’.” Dwayne Reed

Simon B. Rhymin’ follows the inspirational tale of a young aspiring rapper. He learns to overcome his fears to follow his dreams. With the help of his family and friends, he can make a difference in his community.

Recovery Conversations: MGM National Harbor’s Sheila Hession

2020 was a year no one could see coming, especially not the hospitality community. We all had to learn to adjust to survive.

Get insight into MGM National Harbor’s Shelia Hession’s experience. Her firsthand account of the past year is a tale that resonates with all of us. A year full of ups and downs and learning to live in a changing world. Read about the changes this past year has brought, the silver lining she has been able to find, and her hopes for the new year!

Recovery Conversations: MGM National Harbor’s Sheila Hession

Planning Your Wedding During the Pandemic

Planning a wedding is stressful, add a pandemic to the mix and it may seem downright impossible. If you have been putting off the wedding planning, we want to give you some tips for making your perfect day possible in these imperfect times.

Follow CDC Guidelines

Like with any type of social gathering we still recommend you follow the CDC’s guidelines. Brush up on what your venue can accommodate and what precautions you need to take to protect yourself and your guests.

Keep Guests in the Loop

Make sure you keep your guests in the loop whenever changes occur. Give them plenty of time to plan accordingly for travel and accommodations.

Expect a Smaller Guest Count

With everything going on you will undoubtably have guests on your list that are not yet comfortable with attending a big social event. Remember that out of state guests will be needing to either drive or use public transportation and will then need to plan for their stay.

Communicate with Vendors and Read Contacts Carefully

Many vendors are updating their contracts to include stipulations about Covid. Keep a clear line of communication with potential vendors and read their contracts carefully. Read carefully the cancellation and postponement policies. Most vendors and venues are more flexible with postponements than cancellations. Be patient and understanding and avoid adding frustration to the conversation if you must cancel or postpone.

Consider a Virtual Wedding

Our last tip is one we are all familiar with at this point. Consider a virtual wedding. You can live stream the ceremony easily with social media platforms. This may not be your favorite option but it is the safest. It also ensures that guests will be able to view the ceremony and then the reception is for you and your partner. There is a bright side to everything. Virtual weddings are cheaper and easier than large ceremonies.

No matter what you decide for your special day, the FLIK team wants to say congratulations and please stay safe!

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.

Traditional Irish Dishes to Try this St. Patrick’s Day

We’ve got some traditional Irish dishes for you to add to your St. Patrick’s Day meal. They are hearty and delicious and sure to please the whole family!


The Irish are known for their potatoes and it doesn’t stop at dinner foods. Boxty is a potato pancake! These savory pancakes are a blend of potatoes, onion, and great taste!


This dish is pretty popular but do you know exactly what is in it? This delicious side dish is a mixture of potatoes and cabbage. Serve it with boiled ham for a full traditional meal!


Coddle is a favorite dish of Dublin! It’s a one-pot stew typically made with the leftover meat and vegetables from the week. We love reducing food waste and can’t wait to create our coddle!


This Irish fruitcake takes it up a notch, not only does it have the dried fruits, nuts, and spices, it’s also traditionally soaked in tea and whiskey. During Halloween, this dish places a role in telling the consumers future!

Give these dishes a try and have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Article courtesy of Flik Hospitality Group.